Fractional Co2 Laser
Core & Fraxel Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing
The key to facial skin rejuvenation in one treatment
What can you treat with CO2RE?
- Acne Scars
- CO2 Resurfacing
- Fractional Resurfacing
- Scar Treatment
- Wrinkles
What is CO2RE?
CO2RE is a fractional therapy CO2 laser for skin resurfacing.
Your skin is treated with a matrix of laser pulses that vary
in intensity, depending on your skin type and desired
treatment results. The result is a treatment that is fast, more
comfortable and requires less downtime than traditional
resurfacing — enabling you to get back to your daily
routine much quicker.
CO2RE has been proven effective in enhancing skin
tone and texture, eliminating the effects of the sun and
aging on the skin, smoothing out lines, wrinkles, and
scars. Treatments can vary based on the extent of skin
resurfacing you’re looking for.

How do I know if CO2RE treatments are right for me?
Ideal candidates for CO2RE have skin damaged by exposure to the sun, age spots, fine lines, wrinkles,
discoloration, rough texture (acne scars). It is ideal for anyone seeking younger looking skin without the long
downtime associated with conventional resurfacing procedures.
What is the CO2RE procedure like?
You can expect some moderate discomfort during the treatment, but the anesthetic applied prior to the procedure
typically makes any discomfort tolerable.
Is CO2RE safe?
Yes. You should speak with your practitioner about your
complete medical and skin history to minimize the potential
for any negative reactions.
How many CO2RE treatments will I need?
Generally you will see the difference you want after only one treatment. After the treatment your skin will gradually look
softer, smoother and with less unwanted pigment. Over time, the fine line, wrinkles, age spots and uneven texture
will start to show improvement.
How long will the results last?
There are a number of variables that will determine how long you can expect the results to last including: your health, age
and how you care for your skin after treatment.
What can I expect after my procedure?
Immediately following the procedure you can expect a sensation similar to a sunburn, lasting several hours. You
can expect peeling of dead skin from the treatment area. This is a natural exfoliation process that may last 7-10 days.
For more information about the CORE CO2 Laser treatment or to schedule a complimentary consultation, please call us at our La Quinta office 760.396.9353 or Rancho Mirage office 760.674.5700